Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok, I know this is not the best quality picture... we had to take it with daddys cell phone because mommy can't find her camera. ANYWAY! I went hot tubbing for the very first time tonight! I just got my bathing suit on in this picture and we are all about ready to go. I LOVED the hot tub! At first I was a little unsure but them we turned on the lights and one of the bubble blowers and I was so excited! I was not so happy when we had to get out but mommy and daddy didn't want to stay in too long for my first trip! Love to you all! Emma

Shopping With Mimi!

Hello Everyone! I recently got to spend a weekend out with Mimi and she took me to Indianapolis. We got to visit with Aunt Sherry and Uncle Kevin then went out to eat with Aunt Erica and Ron. We went shopping at the mall, above is a picture of me riding in a cart for the very first time without my carseat. Im not sure what the big deal is!!!! While I was with Mimi my mommy and daddy got to sleep and went out for supper for the first time in awhile! We all had a good day but missed each other and were happy to be reunited that night!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A weekend in Angola

Me and Aunt Shelly meeting for the first time! Me and Aunt Jane (Daddys sister); she is feeding me a lemon and I think I like it!
YEP! I like them alot!
This is my cousin Svenja; she is from Hamburg, Germany! She loves me!
Svenja and I again!! I like her alot too!
Hello Everyone!
I made a long trip this last weekend all the way up to Angola IN (near Fort Wayne) for the Sears Family Reunion and Oma's 70th birthday! I got to meet all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins; even an aunt and cousin from Germany (Oma is from Germany and her family still lives there). I was very good on the drive and behaved like an angel with my family! I met my Aunt Jane finally (she lives in New Mexico) she just couldn't get enough of my cuddles! My cousin Svenja also adores me and played with me every time she got a turn! Between these two I am now very spoiled and have issues with being put down! I liked everyone I met and had a very nice time but now I am pooped! I just cant get enough rest!
My love to everyone!