Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sorry its been so long....

To my loyal fans I wish to apologize for the extreme delay in posting! My assistant "mommy" lost her camera during our many travels in January thus we lost all of our pictures! The camera has been located and mommy has been given a stern talking to... watch for more updates!!!
See below for our most recent entry (Feb 15 2009 pictures)!

Baby Kix is here!!!

The new big brother!!! He isn't sure how he feels about this role but it has long term potential!
I got to meet "Grandma Patty"! I finally gave her a chance and ya know... I like her alot!

Aunt Nikki and the new baby... Kix Allen Cardinal!

Close up of baby Kix! He is very small... 6 lbs 14oz and 20 inches long!

Again... baby Kix! He sure does sleep alot!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Give that kid an apple!"

Aunt Olivia recently yelled at my mommy because she gives me too much junk food! So, mommy finally bought me this little gizmo where we can put fruit inside of the mesh and I can chew all the juices out and not choke! I really like this think and the apple isn't bad either!!!!

A trip to Mimi's house for Aunt Olivia!

Mommy and I made a special trip to Mimi's house on December 5th so that we could see Aunt Olivia off to her schools Christmas Dance! Doesn't my Aunt Olivia look beautiful? My mommy and daddy said I am not allowed to grow up like this!
I spent some time with Mimi (see picture above) while Aunt Olivia got ready. My Mimi loves me so much... I can have anything I want when I visit her! Which brings us to the picture in the top left... I got one of my presents early from Mimi this year... she took me to get pretty diamonds so of course we had to pierce my ears so that I can wear them! Daddy didn't like the idea but he caved and we got it done. I heard daddy talking to Aunt Jane today and he said "I will never tell Jenny but Emmas earrings look really cute on her"!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cake.... YUMMY!

Oh Mommy... don't take a picture of me right now... I am a mess!
Alright! If you must.... I am gonna just keep eating!

Good Stuff!!!

Just don't tell daddy that we did this ok mom!?!?!

Friday, November 7, 2008

In the hottub!

Me and my daddy in the hottub.... I love this thing!

Ready to Hit the Hottub!

I am all set... Look out hottub here I come!